Whether or not Wikipedia or certain scholars (listed above) are right by associating the earliest Hebrews' God with a volcano is not the point.
The fact is that there are troughs of evidence to show this MIGHT be the case, starting with the pillar of smoke/pillar of fire* these people followed during the Exodus out of "Egypt," which should, at the very least, be a talking point.
It would be pretty strange for these early peoples to worship a god associated with a volcano if they lived in Canaan or Egypt or the Promised Land. There are no volcanoes in most of these places, and those that are there have neither cultural significance or a history of modern eruptions.
Which means we should definitely look more closely at southeastern Turkey, because:
–not only is there a Harran and an Ur(fa) there, two cities associated with Abraham,
–not only was the seat of the Mitanni Empire (Bible: Midian) here, the empire that provided Moses with a wife,
–not only was metallurgy (Bible: Tubal-Cain) invented around here,
–not only was the region (in)famous for conflicts between settled farmers (Cain) and "uncivilized" folk (Abel), and not only did the region sport a "tribe" with highly visible white "marks" on their brow in the North (Caucasus),
–not only did the first farmers (Adam, man of the soil) strut their stuff here,
but there is most certainly a volcano whose crater can be seen from space (See below).
–It lies next to a massive inland sea, Lake Van, whose water levels have fluctuated drastically thanks to eruptions on its western shore (Noah),
–it most certainly threw up pillars of smoke and fire–as records show,
–and it, like all other volcanoes, it is famous for producing veritable Paradises on Earth (Garden of Eden).
The first step is looking here.
The second is seeing the same dreadful behaviors and events that led people to craft such stories in the first place are still very much in vogue.
The third is to recognize how important #GoodVibes, #SelfCare, and #Connections really are.
*–Exodus 13:20-15-19
#NatureFirst #NatureRules #VolcanoGods
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